What I'm Reading: May 2018

I've taken the last couple months off of this blog, but I'm back with a huge list of books to recap for you! It's been my goal this year to read 18 books in 2018 and I've been making progress. Here are the books I plan on reading in May and the books that I've finished in March and April. 

Books I'm Reading:

Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins
I've been on a big Tony Robbins kick lately, but had never read his books. I have this and Money Master the Game to read, but I wanted to start with this because I've heard much more about it. 

Books I've Read:

A Moveable Feast - Ernest Hemingway

I adore this book and I adore Hemingway's literature. This book is a memoir of his life in Paris during the 1920's and was published posthumously. I enjoyed this book because it reads as a series of vignettes. Each chapter can be a stand alone story or can be read together to provide a holistic view of life during that time period. I love Jazz age literature and art and this book is such a beautiful embodiment of the people and life during that time. 

You are a Badass- Jen Sincero
I heard about this book from Kalyn Nicholson and it's such a great read. It is written in a very relatable way (if you've read #GIRLBOSS, it's the same style of book), but contains really important life lessons. It gives a lot of advice and actionable steps that you can take to improve all aspects of your life. I know there's another book, You are a Badass with Money, that I want to read because this was such a good book. 

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck - Mark Manson
This book was very hyped up to me and I wouldn't say it delivered in the way I wanted it to. I think if you've read Mindset or are aware of the concepts in that book and have read You are a Badass, you don't need this. The take home point of the book is to choose what you give a fuck about in your life and put energy into only the important things. This is a great concept, but I've read a lot of articles and books through the years and this wasn't as life-changing as I thought it would be. 

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Steven Covey 
I liked this book, but I couldn't name any of the seven habits if asked, so I can't say it resonated with me. It could be my age, it could be my personality, but I find books geared towards younger adults sink in better than books that are written with older people in mind. I will read this book again in a few years to try and get a grip on the concepts, but it wasn't my favorite read of the year. (P.S. if you're an Amazon Prime member, you can read this book for free through Prime Reading). 

The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod
I read this book because it was free for Amazon Prime members through Prime Reading and it was so good. I am such a morning person and I love having a morning routine that sets the vibe for the rest of the day. The Miracle Morning is a six step routine that can and should be implemented in the morning to help increase your productivity throughout the day. I am such a morning person, so this book was preaching to the choir, but if you're not, there's a chapter about implementing the miracle morning in 6 minutes. 

The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz
I really like what the four agreements are, but I hate the way that this book was written. For it being such a short book, it took me forever to get through and wasn't that interesting of a read. With that being said, I want to start living by the four agreements and I think you should do the same! 
That was a huge list of books! My current book count for the year is 9/18, so I am well on track to reach my goal at the end of the year. If you want to see my reading list for 2018, you can see it here, but also feel free to leave book recommendations in the comments so I can read the books you find interesting!


  1. I have been AWFUL with my reading this year and that needs to change!! xx

    Beautylymin| SummerBodyPrepBundleGiveaway

  2. I haven't been doing a great job about making it a routine! Some days I'll read for hours, but some weeks I won't pick up a book at all! I did another post with tips on creating a reading routine you can check out for more inspo!

  3. reading and staying home is one of my fave me time too <3


  4. These books sound like good reads. I'll have to check them out.

  5. what books have you been reading lately? I'm always on the hunt for books to add to my list!

  6. I was looking for a new book to read so can't wait to check this out! xx, Erin - www.stylebythepeople.com

  7. I am obsessed with these two books - You are a Badass and The Subtle Art of not giving a Fuck. Ahhh so good and changed my life for the better!! x


  8. Let me know what book you end up reading!

  9. These books sound so awesome, I definitely need to get back into reading I definitely miss it.


  10. Definitely do it! I think reading is one of the best things you can do for yourself! Let me know what book you start with! I highly recommend you are a badass!

  11. Your blog is so cute!! I'm definitely going to have to check out some of these books! Great post!! : )


    www.justashten.com // lifestyle blog


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