What I'm Reading: July 2017

Hi everyone!
Sorry I haven't been posting as frequently recently, but I've been busy with summer school and working. If you're new here, "What I'm Reading" is a monthly series I do on the blog, where I share the books I'm planning on reading that month and recap the ones I finished the previous month. You can read them all here! 

Last Month's Books:

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
I finally finished this book! I've been working through it little by little over the past two months. It is a really interesting book and has a lot of actionable advice. This book is mostly common sense, but it's still a great read for anyone looking to improve interactions with others. 

The Sell - Fredrik Eklund
I have this book on Audible, which I highly  recommend because Fredrik is hilarious and he reads it himself! This book isn't just for people in sales, but for anyone looking to move up the ladder, establish themselves, or improve their life. I have listened to this book multiple times all the way through and is one of my all time favorites. 

This Month's Books:

Into the Wild - John Krakauer
Loved the move, haven't had the pleasure to read the book yet. I've only ever heard great things about this book and it seems like a nice change of pace from the self-improvement books that I've been reading the past couple months. 

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up - Marie Kondo
I want to read this book this month because my mom has a hard copy of it and I'm home until mid-August. This is a different sort of self-help book and tidiness is something that I struggle with, so I am super interested in learning the KonMari method. 

Let me know in the comments what books you're reading this month! I am always on the lookout for new reading material and would love to hear what you're into. 
