What I'm Reading June 2017

I've been major slacking on the reading these past few months! But now, I'm back in Hawaii for the next couple months and am vowing to catch up on my reading! Here's what I read last month and what I'm going to read this month (hopefully). 

Last Month's Book:

#Girlboss - Sophia Amoruso
I absolutely loved this book. It was witty, easy to read, and made great points. Compared to other self help books out there, it's a little light on the actual self help, but the autobiographical content is beautiful and hilarious. This is definitely a book catered towards a younger audience, but I loved reading it and highly recommend it. 

This Month's Book(s): 

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
I started this book months ago and am yet to finish it. It is an interesting read and I have already started implementing tips from the book into my everyday life. There is seriously only twenty or so more pages for me to read, so this is the first book I plan on tackling this month. 

Into the Wild - John Krakauer
Loved the movie, never read the book. I meant to start this book last month, but just didn't have the time. I anticipate that it is one of the easier reads on my list (if you haven't seen the list of books I want to read this year, it's here) and I need a little break before heading back into the more difficult reads (like Hemingway and Kerouac). 

The Sell - Fredrik Eklund
I have this book as an audible on my phone and now that I'm working and driving everyday I thought it might be nice to keep this on in place of music during some of my rides. I love this book, but I think I need a slight refresher and I'm working in sales this summer, so it seems fitting. 

If I have time, I might pick another book from the list, but I anticipate only finishing these three books this month. Let me know in the comments how you're progressing on your New Year Resolutions and what books you're currently reading (and loving)! Make sure you also follow this blog on bloglovin so you don't miss new content!
