What I'm Reading: March 2017

One of my New Year resolutions this year is to read more books. In January I made a list of 17 books I wanted to read this year and each month I share what I'm reading and recap what I've read the previous month. If you missed February's What I'm Reading, you can read my thoughts about The Beautiful and Damned! 

Last Month's Book: Eat, Pray, Love
This book was a let down for me. For years I've had friends and other people tell me that this book was life changing, and while it might be for them, it was underwhelming for me. If you haven't seen the movie or read the book, it's pretty much the story of a woman that gets a divorce and spends the next year traveling through Italy (eat), India (pray), and Bali (love). The way the book was written, I never connected with the author/narrator as much as I probably should have. I didn't sympathize with her, didn't form any sort of emotional bond, and didn't empathize with her, so it all ended up feeling melodramatic and out of touch. I know plenty of people that love this book, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt. I don't regret reading this book (I never regret reading a book), but I don't think I'll need to read this book ever again. 

On The Road - Jack Kerouac
This book has been my all time favorite book for years, but I haven't read it in a while. I started this book in February and plan on finishing it sometime this month. On the Road always seems to fill a void within me, whether that's my wanderlust, lust for the past, or love of beautiful prose. If you've never read this, I highly recommend it. In my opinion, there is no better book than this. 

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
This is the first business/self help book that I'm reading this year. I have never read this book, but I see this book on lists of top books that successful business people and entrepreneurs read. I've only ever heard great things about this book, and I'm excited to learn tips and tricks to improve my personal connections. 

Let me know in the comments below what books you're reading this month! Also, I want to know your thoughts on Eat, Pray, Love! Was I really off with my interpretation of it or do you think it is overhyped as well? 

Current book count: 2/17
