My Morning Routine for Productivity and Success


I had heard about morning routines on social media and podcasts, but it always felt so daunting. When I thought about implementing these things that successful people do daily (cold therapy, meditation, breathwork, journaling, working out, supplements...) it was overwhelming. I've designed my morning routine intentionally so it's filled with the things I find most important and is actually attainable for me. I thought I'd share it here in case it inspires you to incorporate some self care rituals into your mornings. 

But first, my why

I am someone that just GOES. I work hard and long and once I get going, I don't stop until the end of the day. This became really dangerous for me when I decided that I was going to start working as soon as I woke up. I gave myself no time to do things that refill my cup and ran myself completely empty. My mornings are my time where I can do things for myself. I can be a little selfish and put myself first. I've found if I wait until the end of the day to do the things I incorporate into my morning routine, it simply does not get done. My evenings are for netflix, cooking, and socializing and that's the way I like it. 

6:30 - Wake up! I set my Hatch sunrise alarm to go off at 6:30. Sometimes I wake up right away, but if I need a little more sleep I'll let myself sleep in until 7.  Ideally, I wouldn't reach for my phone first thing in the morning, but I'm not quite there yet. I give myself 10 minutes of scrolling time and then I'm up!

7:20 - Movement. I have found that it is much easier for me to do 20-30 minutes of movement every day instead of doing longer workouts fewer times in the week. I've been using my bala bars and bala ankle weights to do home workouts. Each week I try to get in 1 leg day, 1 ab day, and 1 arm day with the rest of the time being spent doing yoga or whatever speaks to me. While I'm doing my movement, I'm also hydrating with at least 16 ounces of water, sometimes with a pinch of pink salt for minerals. 

8:00 - Meditate & Caffeinate. At the end of my workout, I try to get a meditation in. I use the soundscapes on my Oura app (I'm not a huge fan of guided meditation). Half the time I'm meditating on my yoga mat, but the other times I'm on my accupressure mat. As someone who holds a lot of tension in my body and has pain sometimes it's really nice to spend some time relieving that. I am not a huge caffeine person to start with, but I do like a caffeinated beverage to jump start my day. Sometimes this is a coffee, other times it's a hot tea or a matcha latte. I'm also getting myself ready during this time. 

8:15 - Breakfast. I'm not an everyday breakfast person, but if I feel like I need it I'll eat some fruit for breakfast. I also pack my lunch for work (usually already prepped in the fridge from the prior night). 

8:30 - Journal. This also looks different depending on the day. Sometimes when I'm pressed for time, I use a guided journal with prompts to fill out like the five minute journal. Other times I'll use some deeper prompts I have saved and do a more in depth journal. 

8:45 - Leave for work! 

From start to finish, my morning routine is just over two hours and if I hit everything, I start my day doing something for my body and my mind. Let me know what some non-negotiables in your morning routine are in the comments. As you can see, I'm not hitting everything that I "should" be (like cold therapy, breathwork, reading), but it's all a work in progress. 

Have you read these?

+ 5 productivity hacks to make you more efficient at work 

+ A review of Moon Juice Ting and Magnesi-Om
