What I'm Reading: February 2018

I've gotten a lot of reading done during January while I was home for Winter break! My goal this year is to read 18 books during 2018 (you can read the full list of books I want to read this year here) with the eventual goal of working my way up to a book a week or every other week. Here's what I read last month as well as the books I'm planning on reading this one!

Last Month's Books:

Results that Last: Hardwiring Behaviors That Will Take Your Company to the Top - Quint Studer

My dad works in business, so we have a plethora of business-related books around the house. I decided to pick this one up and read it while I was at the beach one day, and while not particularly relevant to me or my field of study, it was an interesting read. It was a lot about company culture and facilitating growth and symbiosis between corporate and individual branches. It had a lot of concrete examples and statistics and the author really seemed to know his stuff. Definitely not a must-read for anyone, but if you're into business books or are in a management position, this is a worthwhile read. 

The First 90 Days - Michael Watkins 
This was another business book I read poolside while I was home for winter break. It's about how to transition jobs better and faster by cutting the time needed to start making changes from 180 days to 90 days. It is not at all applicable for me now, but there was a lot of content about communication with coworkers, bosses, and subordinates that is valuable. I think this would be a great read if you're planning or in the midst of a job change or promotion because it gives you actionable steps to improve the way you lead. 

Crucial Conversations 
This book should be required reading for everyone. It's all about ways to communicate more effectively with others when the stakes are high or emotions run deep. I've read this book at least three times in my life and I've learned something new each time I've read it. I could not recommend this book more, and I'm planning on making myself skim this book as a refresher once a year or so because it is that great. 

This Month's Books:

A Moveable Feast - Ernest Hemingway 
Last year I read two Hemingway books (The Sun Also Rises and The Old Man and the Sea) and really enjoyed both of them. This book is one that I've heard great things about and I already have a feeling I'll enjoy this book. 

The Art of Happiness - The Dalai Lama
I'm trying to couple a fiction with a non fiction book so if I end up juggling two books at a time it's easier to keep them straight. This book just sounds important and meaningful. I truly believe that happiness is endgame in life and if this book leads me closer to achieving it, I'll be content. 

I feel like I've started this year SO STRONG in terms of reading my 18 books and I am definitely going to try keep this momentum going! Let me know in the comments what books you're reading this month and if you have any book recommendations!
