18 Books to Read in 2018

Last year I made a list of 17 books I wanted to read in 2017. At the end of the year my final book count was 16/17 books in 2017, so I thought I'd do the same thing for this year. I didn't end up finishing all the books on last year's list, so I added them to this list too!

1) Results that Last: Hardwiring Behaviors That Will Take Your Company to the Top - Quint Studer
Full disclosure, I'm writing this post on 1/5 and I've already finished this book. There wasn't really a reason that I wanted to read this book, but it was lying around so I did!

2) How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are
I love the idea of Parisian style and culture and this book has been on my list for a long time! This will probably be one of the more fun books on the list!

3) You Are a Badass - Jen Sincero
I've heard the greatest things about this book! It's supposed to be a self-help book geared towards the younger generation and I am so excited to read it.

4) The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck - Mark Manson 
This is another book that I've heard great things about! It's a self-help book about gaining happiness through being realistic, not overly positive, and seems interesting.

5) A Moveable Feast - Ernest Hemingway 
Last year I read the Old Man and the Sea and the Sun Also Rises, so I guess you could say I'm on a bit of a Hemingway kick! I know that this book resonates with a lot of people and I know people who call this book their favorite Hemingway novel, so I'm really excited to read it.

6) Letters from a Stoic - Seneca 
Stoicism is something that has intrigued me for a while, but I haven't had time to research it as much as I'd like. I've read online that this book is a good starting place, so that's why it's on my list.

7) Crucial Conversations 
This book was assigned in high school, but I never ended up reading it at that time. I think I skimmed it a couple years ago, but I never read it fully cover to cover. This book is about communicating more effectively, which is such an important skill, and I thought it would give me tips on how to interact with people in a healthier way. 

8) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Steven Covey
I don't know much about this book, but I've been reading a lot of "my favorite book" posts and this book has shown up time and time again. I really like self help books (if you couldn't already tell from the list), and this comes really highly recommended. 

9) On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin
I'm taking an evolution class this semester and I think that I'd like to give this book another shot. I read it Junior year of high school, but almost four years have passed since that, and I'd like to see how my opinion of the book changes. 

10) This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald 
I adore literature from the Jazz age and consider The Beautiful and Damned to be one of my favorite books of all time. I have never read this book, and I don't know much about it, but it sounds like a book that I'd like. 

11) The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald
I've read the Great Gatsby countless times before, but I haven't read it recently. It's an easy read and a book that I adore, and I would like to read it again this year. 

12) Lolita - Vladamir Nobokov
Another classic that I've never read, but feel like I should before I die. 

13) The Art of Happiness - The Dalai Lama 
The title just sounds like a meaningful, important, life changing book. I already know that I'll be able to take something away by reading this and hopefully it'll help me improve my life. 

14) Lean In - Sheryl Sandberg
I've read a lot of articles discussing the merits of Lean In, but I've never actually read the book. I have heard great things about it from friends of mine who've read it and I'm excited to read it myself. 

15) Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom
I've heard so many people call this book the best book they've ever read, and I really like short stories. 

16) Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert
This is another carry-over book from last year's list that I didn't get a chance to read in 2017. 

17) The Defining Decade - Meg Jay
I'm still at the beginning of my 20's and if this book can help me navigate this decade a little easier, I'm all for it. 

18) Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins
Whenever I hear the name Tony Robbins I think of that Kardashian episode where Kourtney spends the whole episode walking around quoting him. That being said, this is one of the most influential business books ever and something I've wanted to read for a while. 

So these are the books I want to read this year! When it comes down to it, I just need to get through 1.5 books a month in order to get this list done, which is totally doable! I like to think that I have a good mix of business, wellness, fiction, non-fiction in this list, but if you have any great book recommendations, leave them for me below! Also make sure you're following this blog on bloglovin because the What I'm Reading February post is coming very soon!
