What I'm Reading: October 2017

This post is going up a bit later than usual, but I've had some personal issues to deal with the past couple weeks and didn't get around to writing it until now. If you haven't read my blog before, I do monthly posts recapping and reviewing the books I've read the previous month and sharing what I'm reading currently. Last month's What I'm Reading is linked here, and if you're curious, these are the 17 books I wanted to read in 2017. 
Last Month's Books:

Into the Wild - John Krakauer
I probably took longer with this book than I should have considering how easy of a read it was, but after a couple months reading off and on, I'm done! I really liked this book and I really like the movie adaptation of the story. I've found that throughout my life the stories I'm drawn to most are those of disillusionment and dreamers (i.e. The Motorcycle Diaries, On the Road...) and at its core, that is what this story is. If you're interested in unsolved mysteries, this would be a great book (what exactly killed Chris?) or if you want more insight on the story, this is a great read. It is thorough, well written, and extremely fascinating. 

Breakfast at Tiffany's - Truman Capote
I love this book and think that it is possibly one of the best books I've ever read. First off, if you've only seen the movie (like I had), this book is SHORT! It is probably only fifty pages, but is really well written, and just incredible. This book does differ from the movie a long (first off, the narrator plays a less involved role in the story), but both are amazing in their own right. I would highly recommend reading this if you want something short (I read this in two days) and interesting. 

This Month's Books: 

Big Sur - Jack Kerouac
I started this book last month, but it is a difficult book for me to read, so I haven't gotten through much of it yet. If you haven't read a Kerouac piece before, his style of prose is poetic and spontaneous and different from most other authors. So far, I like this book as I liked On the Road (it really seems like a continuation it), but it's too early for me to say much else. 

The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway
I adore this book. I've read it once during high school, so this is the second time reading it, and I have fallen in love again. I'm only about a quarter of the way through, but this book is a classic for good reason. It's about disillusionment, adventure, and love in a very deep, resonant way. 

Let me know what you've been reading lately and if you have any book recommendations in the comments! I'll try to get back to my usual posting schedule soon, so make sure you're following this blog on Bloglovin so you don't miss out on any new content!
