What I'm Reading: September 2017

I can't believe it's already September! This year has seriously flown by! This is the ninth What I'm Reading post of the year, so if you've missed any of the previous ones, click here! I've currently read 8 books (and have two books unfinished), so I'm not quite keeping up with my goal of 17 books this year, but there's still time for me to catch up! Here are the books I read last month (with a mini review) as well as the two books I'm planning on reading this month! 
Last Month's Books:

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up - Marie Kondo
This is an interesting book. I don't know that it is life-changing or even anything new, but it was an easy read with tips that could be implemented into anyone's life. Some of her tips were a little crazy (like thanking and speaking to each object), but at the heart of it, the idea of keeping only things that bring you joy and removing the rest is really important. Not a must-read in my opinion (especially if you've read articles about her method before), but if you are really interested in the KonMari method, it's worth skimming. 

Modern Romance - Aziz Ansari and Eric Klinenberg
This book got tons of press when it was released last year, but I didn't get around to reading it now. This book is funny, but isn't an actual comedy book. It looks at online dating and finding love in the modern age from a sociological viewpoint, which was really interesting. This book covers different cultures, and condenses sociological studies in a way that is still easy to read and understand. I don't think that it's a "must read" book in any way, but it was an easy and fascinating read. 

This Month's Books:

Into the Wild - John Krakauer
I still haven't finished this book, but reading it is my number one priority this month! It's been super interesting, but I just haven't gotten around to finishing it yet. 

Big Sur - Jack Kerouac 
I found a PDF version of this book online, so I wanted to read it! You may remember that a few months ago I tried reading On the Road, but didn't get very far because I didn't enjoy it as much the first time. I'm hoping that this book is similar, but because it's something I haven't read before, I'm more invested in the storyline. 

Let me know in the comments if you've read Big Sur or if you have any book recommendations for me! Also, make sure that you follow this blog on Bloglovin so you don't miss out on any new posts!


  1. This is perfect timing! I recently finished reading "Just Another Sucker" by James Hadley Chase and I was looking for a new read! Modern romance is now on my reading list! By the way, "Just Another Sucker" is a great read if you're into thriller and suspense novels!
    Vaibhavi // http://www.peachwaves.com

  2. I'm adding Just Another Sucker to my reading list! I love thriller novels, but haven't read one super recently! Let me know your thoughts on Modern Romance once you finish it!

  3. Absolutely! I had been wanting to read something other than death and murder! Modern Romance seems perfect!


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