What I'm Reading May 2017

Last month was so busy for me with school work, so I didn't have a chance to read as much as I would have liked to. This month I have school and finals during the first couple weeks of the month, but am home for summer vacation during the last week of May. If you haven't seen the list of 17 books I want to read in 2017, you can read it here. For the most part these are the books I've been pulling from with a few exceptions. If you've missed any previous month's what I'm reading post, you can click here to see them all! 

Last Month's Books: 
I'm going to preface this by saying that I haven't finished any books within the last couple months, but have started a couple new ones. I don't like to force myself to finish books if I'm not feeling it, so I put On the Road on the shelf for the time being and started reading these books instead. 

#GIRLBOSS - Sophia Amoruso
I have wanted to read this book for a while now, but have heard mixed reviews so I didn't include it on my list of books to read this year. But then the Netflix show came out, I became obsessed, and decided to read the book. I'm maybe a third through the book so far and I really like it. It's very easy to read and doesn't require a lot of brain power, so it's a good book to bring to the pool or to read in the bath. 

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
It's taken me longer to read this book than it probably should have, but it's because I'm trying to read with a purpose and actually implement some of the advice. I'm 3/4 of the way through the book and I found it's been very helpful. All of the advice are (for the most part) common sense things, but things that are often overlooked. 

This Month's Books:

How to Win Friends and Influence People
Both of these books need to be finished this month so I can stay on track to read 17 books (or maybe 18 since I added Girlboss) this year. Both of these are easy reads that I can do in the bath, at the pool, or before bedtime and will be recapped in next month's What I'm Reading post. 

Into the Wild - Jon Krakauer
I still haven't fully decided that this is the next book I'm going to read, but I think it'll either be this, Big Sur, or The Sun Also Rises. I want the next book to be a story and something that's more "literature" than "self help". I have read The Sun Also Rises before and Big Sur is a Kerouac book so both require deeper reading than Into the Wild, which is why I'm leaning towards the easier read this month. 

The Sell - Fredrik Eklund
I have the audiobook of this and I will probably end up starting it on one of my flights (because United has crappy entertainment). This is one of the best self help books I've read and is such a good read (or listen) even if you're not involved with business or sales. 

Let me know what you've been reading lately in the comments below! I'm always on the lookout for a great new read. Also, follow this blog on bloglovin so you don't miss any new posts!



  1. I've never read the Sun Also Rises but I've been meaning to! I've heard great things about #GIRLBOSS x

    Beauty From Katie


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